We are selling “The Airplane Factory” Sling 2 Light Sport Aircraft because it meets our criteria of mostly metal, tricycle gear, great handling, low wing, Rotax 912iS fuel-injected engine, US factory within an easy flight, and it is offered in S-LSA, E-LSA and kit versions.
Dual classical “stick” controls, coordinated handling, slide back canopy, amazing visibility and especially the 40 gallon fuel tanks make a huge difference in the Sling LSA verses other LSA.
It should also be noted that with the updated MOSAIC, the existing Sling 2 will be upgraded to carry an extra 220 pounds since they are designed and build to that specification. They have been “papered down” from 1540 pounds to 1320 pounds simply to fit into the current LSA category. This is a huge advantage to buy one now and get the usable load upgrade soon.
People who fly this airplane love it for its easy handling, and we’ve found it to be a great trainer airplane. The beefy landing gear has proven itself for those “students learning to land” and provide the extra margin of safety for the Sport, Private, Commercial and ATP pilot.
Current LSA Airplanes For Sale
- The Airplane Factory Sling 2 click here.