The Airplane Factory
We chose to sell The Sling Aircraft (formally The Aircraft Factory) because it meets our criteria for the single-engine land category, tricycle gear, great handling, low wing, beefy landing gear for training, Rotax 912iS fuel-injected engine, a factory within easy flying distance, and availability in S-LSA and kit versions.
People who fly the airplane love it and we’ve found it is a great trainer airplane.
After dealing with others and hearing the points my customers provide, this is what they say verses other LSA they have evaluated:
- Fit and finish superior
- Technically advanced airplane for commercial training (with glass panel and autopilot option)
- Superb visibility
- Seats easy to adjust for different sizes people
- Handling is great, balanced and intuitive
- Slide back canopy eliminates the “flip up” canopy wind problem.
- 40 gallons of fuel in the wing is great (Tank in cockpit heats up and creates vapor lock problems. Fuel in wings cools as altitude increases).
- Only fuel injected engines now for better reliability, less fuel consumption and less maintenance.
- Rotax prefers Autogas 91 (note sling is designed for Autogas and 100LL)
- Nose wheel steering much better for pilots and training
- One brake handle verses un-necessary toe brakes weight and complexity.
- Max gross weight will go up 220 pounds with MOSAIC since it engineered/built as E-LSA 1540 lbs.
I can tell you from my more than 5000 hours in a flight school/rental experience:
- Service and parts from LA factory is excellent. Especially for a flight school who does not want to be down.
- Beefed up landing gear, front and back, is great for training or those who are not best at landings or end up landing in bumpy or cross wind conditions.
- Metal construction is best for maintenance and can tied down outside.
Loves 91 Autogas (with ethanol) and easy to fill with 5 gallon portable gas cans. Typically 10 gallons gets you 10/3.4 almost 3 hours.
Learn more about The Airplane Factory here.